Identify gfx device. Fallback on the card name text supplied by the card itself. Assumes that at least the cardVendor has been matched, since. Note that specific vendors are overridden to a default card. GraphicsRulesMaker Tweak: Force memory size. Configuration override controlled by command line option -cardConfig.
Determine if gfx device is supported, force software rendering if not. Forcing software rendering on this device". Apply gfx device specific workarounds. Available device props:. Additional props:. If you'd like help getting your own card recognized, please post the same information from deviceconfig and ask for help. Open graphicscards. That will take you to these lines:. Save, quit, and open graphicsrules. Crtl-F and search for , which will take you here:.
Change the bolded to GTX Don't change anything else, not even the asterisks. This will classify your card as uber. Your card has four times the video memory, but TS3 can only use MB anyway. The lines should look like this:. You'll know it worked if you see a [Found: 1, Matched: 1] next to the card name in deviceconfig, and texture memory listed as instead of the current 32 MB override.
If either tweak doesn't work, please paste that same section of deviceconfig here really only the first 15 or so lines of what you posted though , and we can tweak the edits. View in thread. I just need a bit of information about the card.
August - last edited August by puzzlezaddict. There's apparently one from Nexus that works well; I remember seeing that a mod from elsewhere didn't work so well, but I don't remember which mod that was. Either way, if you want me to check whether it worked, post that section of deviceconfig and I'll take a look.
Patch 1. This folder allows you to replace a few standard configuration files with your own and by doing so to overwrite the standard values. Up to now it was possible to do this in the installation folder but each time you repaired the game or patched, these changes were overwritten with the standard and you had to redo all changes. This file contains several sections that can be changed. September Help! I was excited for the new update that brought the folder ConfigOverride, but I can't locate any of these files: Default.
Me too. Message 1 of 6 Views. Reply 0. Accepted Solution. Re: Can't locate Default. September nataliemag Those files aren't in the ConfigOverrides folder unless you copy them there from elsewhere.
I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games. Message 2 of 6 Views. Reply 5. All Replies.